Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I am officially launching my private training exercises today. It will be based on my mentor, air imran kifli.. heheh.. as always, history will teach us everything.. and history can repeat itself.. I spent quite some money on gym & fitness and hope that it will worth every penny.. I am now had been in the state of obesity for so long, a big no no to a person which is just one more step to go for TaeKwon-Do ITF black belt.. I dream of becoming one, and becoming a final fu myself.. heheh.. dreams can always be dreams.. some people dreams of success but only few wake up and work for it.. I hope that today will be my turning point.. There are a few things that I will have to control, intake and outtake.. there are a lot of things but I know that I can do it.. will post to you the result later.. J